Ok, so I was able to finally craft the Ebon Netherscale armor set and gem it all up to where I'm not embarassed anymore. The set seriously rocks and if you go to my cached version of Claz's Be Imba! profile (I think Blizzard is doing something to block these sites), you'll see that I'm firmly geared for Kara and Heroics.
But, you see, I didn't have the Primal Nether to craft the Netherdrake Helm, that was going to be my next item, but wasn't too terribly excited to farm it because it wasn't that big of an upgrade over the Dream-Wing Helm I was wearing. I turned to grinding money for the epic flight skill so that I can get that damn dragon mount (I haven't been this crazy over a mount since Amantara and my stupid grind for the Winterspring Frostsaber that I was about two weeks from getting before deleting her).
But then, I found out about the Storm Helm. Sweet mother of pearl! I asked around the guild to see if anyone could make me one, but no one had it. I went to the AH and saw that the recipe was 400 gold. GRRR. I couldn't expect the blacksmiths in the guild to drop that kind of cash for me, could I? No, not with a clear conscience.
So, I kept farming for the gold, thinking of the bad-ass looks of the that helm and how fugly the Netherdrak Helm is. But, I always looked at the plans on the bank alt whenever I was dropping of ores and one day it was 200 gold!
Without thinking twice I bought it and sent it to one of Limited Warranty's tanks with a message: "The mats will be with you soon, please, can I use one of your Nethers?"
Not only did he agree, but he offered to farm the Hardened Adamantite Bars for me.
So, now I'm broke again but almost have all the Primals I'll need. Then I need to grind money for the gems (I'm so hurting for stamina that I've plugged in some armor kits). Then, I can get back on track for the mount.
Why the title for this post? I really shouldn't have spent 500 gold on the Netherdrake Helm pattern. :(
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