I've been giving a lot of thought about what I'll be doing when the expansion comes out. My guess is that we'll be seeing the new patch right around the time of Blizzcon, probably the Tuesday just before. I think they'll want to give people more of a buzz about WoW, get people excited and have more to talk about during the proceedings. Then, maybe a month later, Lich King will be in stores. If memory serves me correctly, this was about the timeline they used for BC. If I'm right, we have about a month before the world event (spoiler alert) to get ready. What am I going to be doing?
With my concentration on the druid lately, I've been considering making him my main and relegating Claz to more of a gatherer / farmer toon. I still love the hunter, don't get me wrong, but... Greatjohn is just so much fun to play! If I go in this direction, my overall goal will be to get GJ to level 70. But, the secondary goals (in somewhat order of importance) are:
- Epic flight form- I never had this on my old druid. /Hug has a nice walkthrough on the quest. It doesn't seem too bad, though getting the rep for heroic Sethekk Halls may be an issue. I can't remember if you can get the rep through questing or if I'll need to grind some other instances.
- Max out Herbalism- Since I'm really sort of excited about Inscription, I want GJ to be ready to concentrate on that skill. With herbalism being the associated gethering skill, I don't want to have to worry about having to level that skill.
- Try to max out the seconday skills- Cooking, First Aid and (shudder) fishing. The worst will be fishing because I'd like to get this done before Lich King so that I don't have to spend a lot of time in Outland leveling it up later.
Hmm... not too bad.
They're also saying that leveling from 60 - 70 will get sped up after Lich King, which means the lock will be leveled pretty quickly when I get back to her. Man, I don't know how you people with multiple 60s leveled them when Outland came around. That's a serious investment of time. My goal is to have 3 80's six months after the new expansion (Druid, Hunter and Lock). How did you guys do that? Any suggestions? What I'd like to do is level them up one at a time so that I can enjoy the new quests without getting burned out on them. I have a fear that I'd start to hate WoW if I had to repeat the same quests three days in a row on different toons.
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