Sunday, January 20, 2008

Shattered Halls, how I love thee. And hate thee, too

On Friday Limited Warranty (LW) ran Shattered Halls with the help of a very awesome mage from Turbo Sunshine Friends.

I ran it before on Amantara as a bear tank about four or five times, but this was the first time as a hunter. Our main tank hadn't run it before (or the rogue, I don't think), the healer only a couple times I think and the mage said he'd been trying to farm it for a recipe of some sort.

It wasn't the smoothest of runs. In my defense it was Friday night after a very long week at work and we didn't get started until semi-late for me. Ok- a list of what I learned from my screw-ups:
  1. When you're critting like a mofo, slow down! Don't try to rely only on feign death to control your aggro. I was seduced into the joy of seeing the big giant flashing huge numbers of doom I was inflicting on my enemies.

  2. Don't trap near the tank! Thunderclap + Ice trap = panicked hunter trying to make sure the blue square is aggroed him and not the tree.

  3. When aggroed- run to the tank and away from the healer. Told you, I'm a noob.

  4. Keep your fricken targets straight. Don't shoot the sheep. Just... please... don't.

Skyfire Hawk-Bow did not drop. I did not get a primal nether (and I'm very glad that it went to the TSF mage).

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