So, today I saw a request in city chat while dropping off my latest load of ores for a partner to just farm arena points. I thought, "Hey, I want the Merciless Gladiator's Decapitator, and I don't care if I win or not."
I pst'd the mage and joined up and we did eleven arena matches. As you can see, we did much better than we expected. Of course, we were matched up with other lower-rated teams and one team didn't seem to try the first time we went up against them. But a mage/BM hunter is badass against clothies. Sheep the other mage, burn down the 'lock, switch to the mage. Done. Whiskers was picking out 'lock gristle from his teeth after each match. Unlike BRK I don't have the memory or note-taking abilities that he has, so I won't even try to do a recap.
All in all, not a bad night. I have no idea how long I need to do this to get my axe, though.
get Arena Pointer and it will tell you exactly how many arena points you earned by putting the number in that window of yours. You need 1000 points for the sweet s3 axe.
Thanks BRK!
I still can't believe you read this from time-to-time. :)
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