Sunday, March 2, 2008

Gear progression, well... sort of

I'm almost ready to craft:

This will replace my Felstalker set and Dream-Wing Helm. Properly gemmed, this will be a nice and major upgrade, and expensive.

All I need is two Primal Nethers, a couple Primal Shadows and fifty or so Primal Fires. To help finance all of this I dropped Skinning and took up Mining, as planned. Oh my god, I can't believe how much money I've missed out on. I'll be keeping Mining at the very least until I pay for my epic flying skill, which I'll be saving up for after the above are crafted and properly gemmed.

Other than that the only news is that I wasn't able to play as much as I wanted due to some internet issues. But the friendly Comcast man came out and replaced the cable jack and now... no drops while fighting bosses, or BGing, or... you know... walking around Shat.

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