Greatjohn made 70 last week after a huge, long, drawn-out session. Afterwards, Bumwaller made me a starter tanking set and I bought the blue-level Feral PvP set.
Then I started on the dailies.

As I was working on GJ's dailies, I noticed that a lock was looking for a group to do the Dire Maul Warlock Dreadsteed quest. I quickly popped onto Narandia and joined up. We needed a tank and healer since there were three locks. It wasn't easy until I decided to appeal to people's greed and paid 100g for a level 70 pally and warrior to take us. Yes, 100g ea.
But I have my mount!
Now, I'm about 66% of the way to getting epic flight for one of my toons. Now, Claz has been waiting around for it forever, but... I'm seriously thinking of switching Greatjohn to my main and giving him the skill, which would mean Claz would probably have to wait until sometime in the expansion (probably after he's level 80) for the skill. Sucks... but take a look:

I wants it bad!!!
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