Dinged 63 while doing quests in Zangarmash. Can now use Starshine Staff of the Beast, giant upgrade from Agamaggan's Quill. I love Druid itemization in Burning Crusade.
Neutral with Sporregar.
35% through level 63.
I made the mistake of listening to Kimya Dawson while playing. I love her music, the way she sounds so innocent and jaded at the same time. But... it was thoroughly depressing, too. I'm going to take a break, drop the roommate off somewhere and buy some cigaretts. Maybe read a little Harry Potter (shut up, they're good books and they reset my mood to neutral when I'm down!).
More later.
Back and restarting the grind. No more Kimya.
Honored with Cenarion Expedition.
Herbalism- 376 (Tauren get +15)
Got almost all of the solo quests in Zangarmarsh completed. I've decided to move on Terrokar.
54% completed with level 63.
Taking a bit of a break before the evening push
Fell asleep for 2 hours.
Got up, maxed herbalism and skinning.
Hit level 64.
Time to stop for the night, I think.
4 levels until I can fly!

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