Sunday, January 27, 2008

I like dailies

No big raids, no big drops; just a lot of grinding. I decided to level cooking and just hit 375 this morning. I went from 100-something on Thursday to mazed today, without fishing. Well, I tried fishing and leveled it to 130 before I wanted to punch someone in the throat just to liven things up. I ended up having to go to Silithus and doing the stupid cooking quest (the sandworm one) to get over the 250-300 barrier. Once I hit 300, it was a snap. Then I gathered all of the recipes I could get and did my first cooking daily (I got the hot talbuk steak, or whatever its called) and got nine gold for my trouble. If all of the cooking dailies are easy like that, i'll be happy. It was one where I had to go to the area where I do the daily bombing run anyway (remember, its all about being efficient) and get a wing from one of those circling birds that you dodge when trying to pop their eggs.

Truly, all I want is the gold and the Kibler's Bits recipe. After that, it will just turn into my daily quests process. I really need to just grind out the Skyguard rep to open up other dailies. I really wish I could find some reliable group to run the daily heroics with.

So, right now I can do: cooking, egg bombing and BG dailies with no problem. Sometimes I can get a group from Limited Warranty to do the daily normal instance. That's three, sometimes four dailies.

Next, I need to save up money to get my epic riding skill to open up the Netherwing dailies (and get that badass mount that everyone seems to have).

And there are many more that I hope to get to.

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