Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Again with the druid

So, I played a new druid alt that I started on the Vashj server. He's only level 13 but still a lot of fun to play. I decided that if I wanted to play a druid bad enough with Limited Warranty, I'd level the alt up instead of paying the extra money to transfer the level 45.

I took some advice from Big Bear Butt's WI articles about how to level a low-level druid. Like, don't just run up to something while in bear form and start whacking, do: wrath, moonfire, switch to bear, enrage, THEN start hammering away.

Yep, I'm a noob with druids, too. :P

All-in-all, I had fun leveling a couple times with Grendirk (or whatever his name is...) and may keep leveling him now and then.

For Claz, I did get a bunch of the food I wanted to grind and I even did the Thrallmar PvP daily. Too bad the Alliance on Vashj rarely take the fortifications away from us. Not that I'm a big PvPer, but I did enjoy wiping the floor with a 64 gnome rogue.

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