Thursday, February 21, 2008

Phat lootz and planning

Last night we ran Heroic Hellfire Ramparts and we cleared it (first time I've cleared a heroic, by the way). I did pretty well loot-wise: Averinn's Ring of Slaying and with the rep I finally got the Blackened Spear. By using the spear I'm taking a slight hit to my crit chance (well, if 1% is a slight hit) but I'll be able to make it up with the Major agility enchant and come out a bit ahead from the Crystalforged War Axe that I was using.

Yes, yes, Claz's gear is coming along nicely.

Now that I'm running heroics a little more often, I'm going to have access to primal nethers, either through drops or badges. Which means I'll be able to craft the Ebon Netherscale armor set and the Netherdrake Helm. W00t!

I'm also playing with the idea of changing from skinning to mining, after I've farmed all of the mats I need for the armor set (I need 24 Heavy Knothide and 100 Nether Dragonscales). There are a couple of reasons. First, it will make getting the 54 Primal Fires I need for the armor set and helm a lot easier. Second, ores sell really, really well and I still want to make that 5k gold for the riding skill and really start working for the Netherwing Drake mount. Yes, a guildie just got his...

I would go with skinning and mining and drop leatherworking, but I have a few really nice recipes that some guildies like now and then, and I need the skill to be able to wear the armor set I'm wanting to craft.

All in all, it was a good day playing WoW. AND we're running Karazahn tomorrow!

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