Saturday, February 2, 2008

If you can't beat them...

...join them, right?

I respecced to a MM/BM build and I'm sure its a noob build (15/44/2), but I think its already better for PvP than the BM build I had before. I'm already enjoying shutting down casters with Silencing Shot and Scatter Shotting rogues and warriors is pure joy. I do miss Intimidation, though, but I think I was using it as a crutch in trying to get away from mobs and Alliance, I need to remember that I have wing Clip.

I ran about 10 BGs today, and I have to say I like Eye of the Storm the best and Alteric Valley the least. I'm about 3k honor away from upgrading the boots to Vetern's Linked Sabatons.

I've given into the darkside.

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