So, one week until the new patch (link will change, I'm sure) and I'm bored out of my mind. I looked forward to leveling fishing tonight, for godsake! I know I should be good and farm gold through the Dailies and stockpiling mats for leveling GJ's, Claz's and Narandia's trade skills. But, I seriously can't do it for some reason. Yesterday, I ran a lowbie guildie through Shadowfang Keep instead of farming gold.
So, let's try to strike up some interest in what I'll be doing in the month after the patch but before the expansion.
- Inscription- Greatjohn will be dropping skinning and taking this trade skill. I've stockpiled most of the mats I'll need to power level.
- New hunter pets. Claz will be leveling the white gorilla that's been sitting around in the stable (yes, I was very impressed with BRK's Gorilladin movie). I also want a red hyena from Scarlet Monastery.
- Gold farming. This will happen while leveling the Gorilladin.
Hmmm. That's all I got. I'll probably do some PvP to get used to the new talents, but nothing all that serious.
Man, I guess I can't wait for the expansion, eh?
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